at University of California, Santa Cruz

Collective of three Student Run Organizations

Enviroslug unites ESLP, SEC, and CSC to drive environmental and social change at UC Santa Cruz. Through student-led action, we empower bold leadership, challenge systemic barriers, and cultivate a more just, sustainable campus. Together, we create lasting impact and inspire a future where every student is a force for change.

Campus Sustainability Council

The role of the Campus Sustainability Council (CSC) is to provide funding to registered UCSC student organizations for programs and events that create, implement, and monitor environmentally sound practices on campus as established in the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus. These organizations additionally facilitate greater collaboration between students, the administration, staff, faculty, and the community.

Education for Sustainability Program

The Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP) is a student-led initiative empowering students to take action on the climate crisis. Through our 2-credit UCSC course, students of all backgrounds gain the skills to build a society that values both people and the planet. Throughout the year, ESLP members organize events that champion sustainability and environmental justice, driving meaningful change on campus and beyond.

Student Environmental Center

The Student Environmental Center seeks to create lasting initiatives that empower and educate others to implement sustainability at UCSC through student run projects guided by the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus.

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

- Albert Einstein 

Enviroslug is sponsored by SOMeCA

At SOMeCA (SOAR, Student Media, and Cultural Arts & Diversity), students engage in real world situations and build leadership values and skills that last a lifetime. Supported by a dynamic network of leaders in all professions, we create positive social change and master the art of balancing power and responsibility.

SOMeCA is home to nearly 200 registered student organizations, each playing a vital role in shaping the vibrant campus life at the University of California, Santa Cruz. These organizations create opportunities for students to connect, lead, and immerse themselves in transformative experiences that make college truly unforgettable. Learn more here.