Education for Sustainable Living Program

Our Mission

The Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP) is a student-led organization committed to empowering students to take action in the climate crisis. Our program creates collaborative learning environments through UCSC-accredited courses for students of all backgrounds to learn the skills needed to transition toward a society that prioritizes the planet and its people.

The importance of Student-initiated programs

ESLP works to foster intentional learning between students while creating a culture of taking action. 

We currently offer a unique student-facilitated course for university credit:


Our student-led, 2-unit course, offered every spring quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, delves into the climate crisis, sustainability, and environmental justice.

Students will explore pathways to active hope and agency amidst the evolving climate crisis. Through discussions, journal reflections, interactive workshops, and guest speakers, they will engage in collaborative learning centered on climate justice movements, emphasizing the intersectionality of race, gender, class, and other social factors.

By working together, students will deepen their understanding of climate justice and uncover practical strategies to address the climate crisis in their daily lives

Our History

ESLP was first founded in 2003 as a project of the California Student Sustainability Coalition. We are guided by the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus along with our sister organizations: Student Environmental Center and Campus Sustainability Council (2001). ESLP Receives Funding from the Campus Sustainability Council (CSC). CSC provides funding to registered UCSC student organizations for programs and events that create, implement, and monitor environmentally sound practices on campus as established through the protocol outlined in the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus.